In collaboration with Dairy Farmers of America. Thank you for supporting the brands that support A Taste of Koko!
How do you fuel your day? Today I’m trying a new all-natural superdrink called Mülü. Typically energy drinks and juices are made with artificial flavors, added sugars, and a ton of other ingredients but Mülü is made with one pure, locally-sourced ingredient.
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Any guesses on what Mülü is?!
It’s milk!
Milk is the is the drink that everyone’s been searching for — the one that fills the hole in your nutritional life.
- 10g of high-quality protein.
- No added sugar, nothing artificial.
- Vitamin A, B2, B12, B13, and D.
- More calcium than 7 cups of broccoli.
- Provides a natural boost of energy
Today is World Milk Day (6/1), and Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) wants to you know that milk is the perfect drink those looking for a natural way to boost energy. DFA is a farmer-owned global food company focused on quality, innovation and the future of family dairies and they empower more than 14,500 family farmers, all who are important members of the co-op.